Saturday, September 02, 2006

On the docket

So with my ardent alive because of events in the session I missed (apparently his death along with the wizard and the invetitable were just a "vision" so they never happened, no complaints here I keep an arm) it looks to be an interesting session.

If the ardent doesn't make it though I already have a fully prepared fighter in the wings. I am currently working on a swashbuckler and a bard as backups for my backup as well. Not sure which will rate in the #3 spot but I think maybe the bard just because it's a really new area for me. Also his perform skill is reading textbooks and he's damn good at it (+12 @ 4th lvl based on just ranks & ability mod). The swashbuckler could do some nice damage though and has spring attack and enough dex based skills to be useful in rolling through things. We'll see I guess.

That said I am excited for Carl's game. I've hit the point where casualties are ok cause I can hop right into the game again and it'll be more or less an in-house joke at this point I suppose.

Oh and if you don't read my normal blog then you may have missed that Carl added the Colossal Red Dragon to his mini collection. It now stands at that and the Gargantuan Black Dragon. The party is, needless to say, concerned!


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