Wednesday, January 25, 2006


So thinking that this blog may become the dreaded resting place for random RPG stuff for the time being. So it gets some use.

Plugging away through Rifts books since they all live on the tablet and I actually really, really enjoy reading books off the tablet. It's fun and it proves that I made a good choice when I bought this lovely little box!

Anyhow I was plugging through the Coalition Wars worldbook and it was covering the lovely "Nut Set" (aka NTSET) operatives. Despite my complete reservations for playing any Coalition characters, considering they are human supremacists or worse, the concept does intrique me of being the forefront protectors of citizens deep in the bowels of a gigantic city.

It mixes sort of a CSI theme with frontline soldier theme. Considering their job the tech available is limited to what fits in the bowels of a ctiy and the technological limits of the Coalition (even there there is the possibility of acquiring tech beyond that (NGR/Triax, alien tech, etc). You are limited to being either a plain human, Psi-Stalker, or Dog-Boy to an extent. You could probably pull off a Juicer and I think there are a couple other variations of Psi-whatevers that the Coalition allows that could get wrangled in. Plain humans have a fair amount of options from Dead-Boy to ISS Spectors, to straight up NTSET Operative.

I suppose you could play are really a strange game where a NTSET Operative works with good D-Bees, magic users, or magic beings to protect the average citizen even though if she is found out probably be executed and they magical beings are essentially putting themselves at risk no matter what and for no reward (barring the NTSET op covering up their existence).

Anyhow, if I get brave maybe I will try and do that sometime. Seeing as how hard it is to find time and people probably not.


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