Rappun Athuk Wrap-Up/Item List
Since Google Wave will ultimately have been shutdown by the time the game revives the party has made it to level 7 room 7 in Rappan Athuk. Previoius been through rooms 1, 3, 4, 5a (teleported to 5c?), 5e, 2, 10 (via triangular room 2?), and 7. Last session was Sept 8, 2010.
Party loot as follows:
Group Items:
Helm of comprehend languages and read magic
Partially functioning rod of res.
Dust of sneezing and choking
Scrolls of stinking cloud, jump, ventriliquism, anti-magic shell
Ale sock:40 copper
Robe of blending (1hr alter self)
magical book (tome of understanding +2)
potion of reduce person
delusionary cure light wounds potion
cure serious wounds potion
Scroll of Protection from Energy lvl 10
map to castle whiterock.
masterwork, silver edged two handed sword
bottle of brandy
potion of flying
silver dagger
2 cure light
2 cure serious
1 cure disease
1 potion cure critical wounds
4 potions (ghoul touch, levitate, lesser restoration, remove paralysis)
ring of 2 limited wishes
3 flasks oil
flint and steel
journal:7 rumors, engineering mutation info, and description of the mithral gates on level 9A, and mentions healing property of the honey.
gold torque (1000gp)
wand of searing light (11 charges)
Group money: 120pp, 5gp, 6sp
Party loot as follows:
Group Items:
Helm of comprehend languages and read magic
Partially functioning rod of res.
Dust of sneezing and choking
Scrolls of stinking cloud, jump, ventriliquism, anti-magic shell
Ale sock:40 copper
Robe of blending (1hr alter self)
magical book (tome of understanding +2)
potion of reduce person
delusionary cure light wounds potion
cure serious wounds potion
Scroll of Protection from Energy lvl 10
map to castle whiterock.
masterwork, silver edged two handed sword
bottle of brandy
potion of flying
silver dagger
2 cure light
2 cure serious
1 cure disease
1 potion cure critical wounds
4 potions (ghoul touch, levitate, lesser restoration, remove paralysis)
ring of 2 limited wishes
3 flasks oil
flint and steel
journal:7 rumors, engineering mutation info, and description of the mithral gates on level 9A, and mentions healing property of the honey.
gold torque (1000gp)
wand of searing light (11 charges)
Group money: 120pp, 5gp, 6sp