Hunter Game Notes 11
Large dogs/wolves on news North of city. People investigating, haven’t been able to find them, some pets reported missing, no people yet.
K has a very nice apartment near river, across from park (by Emmy J’s). V has small house in northern part of point, NW of Spash area, kinda wooded area. Booby trapped house is by Evergreen church.
V sees wolves in back yard of neighbor, calls pest control. Guy comes out and looks around, but wolves no longer there. V goes to bed, hears car door slam and car streak off. Gets call next morning from police saying they found guy in WI Rapids next morning and he can’t remember what happened.
V calls Dendari security, says lots of calls about wolf pack, suggests it is werewolves fighting amongst themselves. Wants us to investigate. No update on janitor.
V goes out to investigate, lots of disturbed plants, some blood. Very large claw print, whole hand fits in it. Whatever made it was bigger than janitor guy in big form.
Dog-size tracks lead to deeper wood near 2nd street North of city. Big tracks only right by home area.
Place where we end up is by smokestacks, reminds us of map. Go back home to check, Map says “furries” by university and NE of town. Nothing on that map for where we were.
Diary says small pack in NE, but larger, smarter pack in university, though not doing much. The university pack spends more time NW though, as if protecting from something in West, possibly other pack. They’ve had issues with fairies in past.
V and K venture back to booby-trapped house and check garage, is empty. Set up flaming rag ball trap at basement stairs, disable garage door, and tape other doors.
K has a very nice apartment near river, across from park (by Emmy J’s). V has small house in northern part of point, NW of Spash area, kinda wooded area. Booby trapped house is by Evergreen church.
V sees wolves in back yard of neighbor, calls pest control. Guy comes out and looks around, but wolves no longer there. V goes to bed, hears car door slam and car streak off. Gets call next morning from police saying they found guy in WI Rapids next morning and he can’t remember what happened.
V calls Dendari security, says lots of calls about wolf pack, suggests it is werewolves fighting amongst themselves. Wants us to investigate. No update on janitor.
V goes out to investigate, lots of disturbed plants, some blood. Very large claw print, whole hand fits in it. Whatever made it was bigger than janitor guy in big form.
Dog-size tracks lead to deeper wood near 2nd street North of city. Big tracks only right by home area.
Place where we end up is by smokestacks, reminds us of map. Go back home to check, Map says “furries” by university and NE of town. Nothing on that map for where we were.
Diary says small pack in NE, but larger, smarter pack in university, though not doing much. The university pack spends more time NW though, as if protecting from something in West, possibly other pack. They’ve had issues with fairies in past.
V and K venture back to booby-trapped house and check garage, is empty. Set up flaming rag ball trap at basement stairs, disable garage door, and tape other doors.