Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Actual GenCon Wrap Up

GenConw as awesome. First off despite eating pretty lousy (and irregularly) I managed to lose weight. This might be due to the fact I was on me feet for many many hours most of the time lugging hardcover books! But none of you care about that:

The highlight of the con for me really was the White Wolf developers. I went to two of their panels and they greatly impressed me with their knowledge and enthusiasm. Especially cool were suggestions on how to get oWoD players to enjoy nWoD. Looked forward to the play with the White Wolf Developer game as well but then GenCon events double booked our play area so instead Joe Carriker (the Vampire line developer) chatted with us about White Wolf gaming including upcoming stuff.

For Vampire players (not me) he mentioned two upcoming books: Ancient Mysteries and Ancient Bloodlines. Sounds like they go somewhat hand in hand with Vampire: Rome but also can apply to current settings. They also deal with very old Vampires.

For Exalted: We are getting Alchemicals. I didn't get a date but if that's confirmed I'd guess maybe the hardcover for next fall (since this Spring is Infernals and it sounds awesome from what Joe said). Tying in with Infernals is a possible Return of the Empress book covering optional plotlines akin to the 1st Ed Alchemicals 3 plots. This sounds really cool to me. Also he noted that via Dynasty charms the Empress may be able to insert Celestial level mental influence on all her kin, aka the Scarlet Dynasty. This is a rather scary thought. Also, the leaders of Stygia may be the ghosts of the fallen Incarna. The last two aren't cannon persay but just possible implied connections. Kinda like the 13 Deathlords equal the 13 oWoD Vampire clans(?).

Books acquired: Hunter: The Vigil, Witchfinders, Roll of Glorious Divinity 2, Reign, 3:16, Spirit of the Century, Cthulutech, Vade Mechum, Deus Ex Machina, Starship Troopers Pocket Edition, Promethean: The Created, and Deities and Demigods. Plus some dice and a Gir print.

A nice swag haul if I do say so myself. Also when I got home the lastest issue of The Red Star was waiting for me. So now I am off to read. Alot.

GenCon Wrap Up

Coming soon. Tonight is unpacking and organizing books. Results will be in tomorrow although I'll be posting on tonight I think.