Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Dani's D & D Rnd 2

So a slightly delayed (not as long as Carl's D & D game) report:

Well tonight it was just myself and Isaac as PCs so I was a little worried but not terribly because Isaac's character is da-pimp and if all else failed I could always write up a clone of the character possibly slightly tweaked to better survive.

This one has a combat portion and a puzzle portion. We opted got combat first. Pretty much straightforward go out and beat down the locals. We end up on Carcerri (spl?) and run into a large group of demons and an ooze-like fire demon thingy (I think, I could look it up I suppose but we never really IDed it). It never gobbled Isaac whilst I did minor damage to it. Mainly I thwarted it by being a prismatic golem that doesn't pack a huge punch but when hit acts like a prismatic wall (ie you take random types of damage) so I dinged it a bit. Of course Isaac when he gets swallowed goes postal on it from the inside out and afterwards the demons around us decide to go partake in the Blood War rather then the obvious death at the party's hands!

Next half of the session was a puzzle. Basically enter a room with a single door. Of course being the brilliant thinkers that we were Isaac and I opt to make a hole in the nearest wall first. No luck, have to use the doors. Poor walls though. Basically its a puzzle (whose wording I cannot remember now) that gives 3 doors. Our initial attempt gotten by me attempting to decipher things out led us into a room with a pyro- and cyro- hydras. My attempt to seriously mess with the hydras by being a progenitor race but that has limited success so I opt to becoming a black slaad and then an infernal ooze. Much more fun. We eventually hack off all the heads and kill the hydras after I successfully figure out what's up (took several tries kinda pathetically, luckily Dani allows knowledge re-rolls).

I remain in ooze form and we return to the main room. My fire newt has now become a half pyro/cyro hydra of very small size. Russ is still selling food but now he can do hot and cold meals :D Using random nice (ie a die roll) we find the next room on our first second try. We guess wrong again tho and encounter a large undead worm of collossal type. Isaac turns me invisible and then throws some wood into the middle of me so there is a campfire that looks very animated. It amuses us as we attempt to kill the creature. I opt for making it bite its own tail as my ooze's attacks don't do anything. Isaac prefers damage by random thrown objects (including a bar of soap). The creature gets lucky and kills me with Finger of Death so my dead now human form hits the ground and Isaac wails on it til its death and then revives me. This is my first death.

Amazing lady luck (ie rolling a die and guessing) gets us through the rest of the puzzle perfectly. Our final encounter a pair of giant rock like creatures. I have very low init and get killed again before I can even assume another form. Isaac revives me and I get killed almost as soon as he does so. (Deaths 2 and 3) Russ and Mort (my grimlakin) watch in shame as master gets pwned repeatedly. Isaac quicken miracles me back to life and in the same turn splices the two birds ending thus the combat.


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