So making the evil ring is harder then thought. Trying to be sneakily nefarious ain't easy! Did create the Lookshy "handler" for the game. Next up (after the ring) is starting Deathknight followed by badass Deathknight.
Whilst I know the first one is bait I can't remember why I wanted a second Deathknight. To collect whoever got sucked in by the ring? Or delay the others after their friend has been kidnapped? The mind boggles.
Anyhow: the idea is that Lookshy is well aware that there is the (starting level) Deathknight controlling one of the Hundred Kingdoms nations. The situation is such however that them interfering with force to depose the Deathknight would embroil them into a side war which considering the current situation would be bad for them, especially if it explodes from brushfire to all-out war within the Hundred Kingdoms. As a result some genius within the Lookshy Operations Directorate or Intelligence Directorate realizes: we can send some Solars in the area in to deal with the Deathknight. This way they can judge how strong the Deathknights really are with a force which they already know its strengths/weaknesses (Solars). Essentially they can kill two birds with one stone and if they do it right the Solars will either be indebted, linked, or somehow not a problem for the 7th Legion.
On the other side the Mask of Winters (he's currently the Deathlord I think would be sneaking around in here) has basically set up this trap with the intentions that some sort of Exalts will come in and he has done his best to make it a Solar only job. While he cannot be sure of what Lookshy is doing he can put extra pressure on their fronts to make them not want to expend their forces and look for alternatives. His agents can also attempts to hype the Solars as the ones to do the job. His goal is to capture as many Solars as possible. He figures one is pretty much a sure catch (with the ring doing that) but maybe he can pull in the whole party. He plans to break their wills with Monstrances of Celestials Portions. The first Deathknight is bait, MoW can always create a new one and if he gets a couple Solars then he can create several, a big gain if things work out and a break even if they don't. The second one is there to observe and make sure things go smoothly (ok haven't figured this out I am making it up as I go along at this point on). He may also be needed to delay some of the Solars when the one under the ring's influence is taken/journies to MoW. He might also offer to help the Solars "free" their friend. Basically he is there to push things along post first Deathknight. Possibly to antagonize them enough to give the ring time to break one down and maybe bait them into MoW's territory/shadowlands.
How's that for plot?!?